
Mental Warm-Up

Sitting in this plane, I find myself in a well-known state of mind, that is closely linked to the traveling activity. This time, it took 2 hours longer due to a delay at Munich airport, but it gave me an unplanned opportunity to find out something important about myself: Traveling has an important function:

it gives me the chance for a mental warm-up. I mean, I do work with leaders on a daily basis, and I am "living" and experiencing all the concepts that I teach others. But still, it is great to find time for mental images about how I will work an interact during the next days. It always is a challenge to not know the participants before an event, so it is even more important for me to picture myself. And in this case my phantastic colleagues from the customer organization that I enjoy working with. I think of myself more of as an actor, finding into my role although I never 'play'.

Well, in the old days, computers used to 'boot'. Most of the time, they don't do this anymore. I do it as a mental habit and to get familiar with the useful part of my professional inner resources that I am going to use. So it is becoming a new and better functioning version than always telling good old stuff. So I find myself being very curious about my adventures with a new group of participants...

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